Sunday, July 18, 2010

What a great day of rest.

Today we enjoyed a day of rest. We went to Sunday school at First Baptist Tefe. Then, we spent the afternoon hanging out. Some people went to the market and others went fishing (me and Bro Ashley went in a boat and Mark and Taylor went to a dock). Tonight, we went to three different churches. Ashley and I preached at our churches. At my church, Jessica Couch sang "Lead me to the cross" and did a great job.
Tomorrow we will start the second leg of our trip. We will get on a big boat at 8:30 and travel to different, smaller cities to continue our evangelism. We will be in the jungle for a few days which will be fun. On the boat, the girls will stay on the bottom floor and the guys on the top. We also hired a cook and supposedly it is supposed to be extremely good food. In the morning I am going to buy us guys a few cane poles and fishing tackle because we heard the fish really bite at night.
For prayer, remember the church at Tefe. Also, pray for us and our stamina. It is good that we are "starting" another trip. Maybe it will energize us. We are having a great time and definitely being changed by God, but we are so tired. We cannot wait to share with our church family about our trip. Hopefully we will be able to express all that we have attained from God. Start praying about what you can do to be on mission with God. Thanks and God Bless.


  1. What I found to be most interesting about the show I watched on Animal Planet the other night featuring the "flesh eating monsters" in the Amazon River was not the 8 foot 350 pound catfish susposedly capable of eating a human being but the tiny almost microscopic blood sucking parasite fish that seek to penetrate the outer membrane of its prey and then devour it's guts completely from inside out. However since it was shown in the States I am confident that it was sensationalize as a documentary for viewer interest and market share with probably no real significant resemblance to reality or threat of danger, especially where you will be. Don't you think?

    Half Time

    Get your reat and keep your poles in the water for both fish and souls alike.

    Keep your eyes focused on the ultimate finish line and the True Fisherman of all time. You have done and are doing a great job for which we are all very pleased.

    And Jesus said "Follow me (with Him as your leader and example) and I will make you fishers of men."


    your RBC Prayer/Support Team

  2. The word is rest not "reat". Sorry about that


  3. Happy Monday!
    Yesterday in SS class, Bro. Ashley called Randy and you could have heard a pin drop as we quietly listened to his report. Funny we are never that quiet! Ashley Wilson got to talk to her parents and we were all excited. We had a special time of prayer to pray for your health, energy, safety and another great week of work. We all feel blessed just hearing about your experiences. We are soooo proud of you.
    I love reading the blogs each of you have written. It may be alot of work for you but they are very much appreciated.
    Have a great week. You are loved and missed here and I can't wait to hear your stories when you get home :)

