Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Update- 7/20

Wow, we tied up on a tributary of the Amazon tonight. The sounds of the jungle nightlife are similar to a typical night in the mountains. Except for the occasional monkey in the distance or the splash of dolphins enjoying the freedom of quiet waters. The bugs are minimal and the beauty is unimaginable.
We spent the day today in a community that seemed a little more advanced and organized. I actually saw a trash can on the side of the road. The people were friendly and receptive. The schools here welcome with open arms what we are doing. The principals think God can change unruly kids, what a novel idea. Each team went to a class room, the teacher gave us the floor, and we got to "teach" the Gospel to the children and teenagers. What a privilege! After the school we went in the community and shared door to door. The pastor here is great and the church seems eager. They have a desire to start a new church on the other side of the town and we laid the groundwork for that today. There should be enough believers in the community to start a Bible study. After lunch two teams went back to the school to get the "afternoon" students and the other teams went to the new community.
Today has been a little testy. We are living on a boat with 24 people and two bathrooms WITH the showers in them. In other words, if you don't shut the lid on the toilet then you'll fill the toilet up when you shower. Also, the water is pumped straight into the tank from the river. That seems real cool and all, but it stirs the stress tank a little. All in all, we are fine.
Tomorrow is our last day in the work. It is sort of sad. We are done. We'll go back to Tefe tomorrow night and get on the speed boat Thursday morning to head to Manaus. Friday we'll shop and get on the plane Friday night at 11:40. Pray that we will finish well and keep the unity that has blessed us immeasurably. Also, begin to pray for us that our return home won't be very stressful. Reverse culture shock is almost as bad as culture shock. Be patient with your student as they settle back in. Have dinner Saturday night at home and let that be official share time. Give them the day to unpack and let loose a while. Hopefully they'll be too excited to wait til dinner.
I cannot tell you how great this trip has been. Even right now as I sit on the front of the boat in my hammock blogging and looking at the stars, listening to my music to deter any "fears" from unfamiliar sounds, I cannot explain the excitement and encouragement that this trip has brought to me and the rest of the team. Our hearts are wide open to God. Completely vulnerable to the movement of His Spirit. Mark and I read Philippians 2 this morning and what a timely word! God is so good and He knows exactly what we need. Praise be to God for anything good that comes out of this trip. Give God the glory for souls that are saved. Sing it is well all the day long. What a great God. Good night.

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