Monday, July 19, 2010


Blog followers, we are beginning our trek up river which means cell phone service may not be available. Also, I am not sure about electricity on the boat which means when my battery goes dead it may be Wed or Thurs before the blog is updated. If there is no update for one or two days please do not be concerned. Technology can only take us so far. Thanks for your prayers. To those that gave hand sanitizer to us, we are extremely grateful for your gift now that we are on the boat. Our shower water and hand washing water is pumped straight from the river. The water that we flush down the toilet is pumped straight into the river...put two and two together and you've got 8 people on strict conservative mode on the hand sanitizer. Mark Haley has decided that a little dollop every twenty minutes is the safe and conservative way, Mikey B has given up, and the pastor, well, I've never seen him cry like this. Ha! Just playing.

1 comment:

  1. How long are you going to be on that boat? Hang in there some germs won't hurt you, its the others I worry about. I am praying for you all for Gods safety and wisdom for what is ahead. I agree with Debbie, no feet or hands over the side of the boat. We miss you and can't wait for you to get safely back in the USA.
