Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The beginnings

"The number one harvest field in the world." Mark Davis, our team leader, told me on the phone that the Amazon Basin in Brazil is ripe for the harvest. Nine of ten people there will openly accept the Gospel and are hungry for God. Our team consists of two pastors, myself and Pastor Ashley Ray, and six college students, Mark Haley, Michael Bruno, Taylor Locke, Sarah Micklos, Ashley Wilson, and Jessica Couch. We will travel by air (24 hours) and by boat (11 hours) to arrive in Tefe, Brazil. While there, we'll be assisting church planters in starting local churches and home Bible studies. We'll begin our training next week and are going through the book, Successful Mission Teams, by VanCise. A book that my missions professor suggested to use as a training manual. Once a week our team will gather to talk, probably eat, pray, and prepare for this awesome opportunity. Please keep us in your prayers.

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